The Easiest Way to Be Happier


Here's the simplest way to feel more happiness in your life: LET YOURSELF BE HAPPY! We know this, but we sometimes forget: little lovely moments are happening every single day. Do we let them skitter by, or do we scoop them them up in our arms?

The Practice

The next time you notice that you’re feeling happy, grateful, delighted, at ease — stay with it!

  • When you notice “this is a beautiful moment,” keep your attention in the present moment and imagine that you are recording it within you in full color, capturing all the sounds, smells, and emotions of the moment.

  • Don’t try to rush the moment, change it, or move on quickly to the next thing — just let it unfold, being fully present and appreciating the gift of joy as it unfolds. Maybe take a slow breath or even sigh in contentment...

This works for big moments and small — a wedding day or sharing a giggle with a friend. :)


How this practice can be helpful:

You get to be happier right NOW, in the very moment. And…

If you do this often, you train your brain to savor each moment as it happens, infusing your life with more joy. As Rick Hanson write, “instead of positive experiences washing through you like water through a sieve, they’ll collect in implicit memory deep down in your brain. In the famous saying, “neurons that fire together, wire together.” The more you get your neurons firing about positive facts, the more they’ll be wiring up positive neural structures.”

In other words, the tiny little moments begin to add up to BIG things like resilience, which protects and fortifies you for the tougher moments of your life.

How is this for you?

If you give this a try, be sure to let me know how it goes—I’d love to hear from you!

I'm wishing you full enjoyment of every happy moment that comes your way,
🌼 Katie