Cultivating the Conditions for Growth


Hi there! I'm Katie Dutcher, Associate Marriage & Family Therapist, teacher of mindfulness and meditation, Certified Mindful Outdoor Guide. I’m also excited to be in the certification process as a Holden Qigong Teacher.

I help people flourish by fostering mindful awareness, leading to self-discovery through practices of stillness, reflection, connecting with nature, and engaging with inspiring wisdom in a supportive community.

Through this journey, we cultivate self-compassion, self-worth, and self-love, enabling us to live more authentically in the present moment. This process helps us feel grounded, balanced, and more at ease with who we are. We flourish, meeting challenges with grace and resilience.


Join me inside Flourish & Bloom!


A membership platform with approachable resources and events for mindfulness, self-discovery, and well-being!



Resources and events for mindfulness and self-discovery


Learn about Katie’s work and current mindfulness offerings