“Balance” is not a static place, it’s a continual process. What “balanced” looks like for you will change over time. Cultivating balance is a day-to-day exploration of alignment between your values and the ever-changing reality of your life.


Keys for Cultivating & Maintaining Balance

Check In Regularly

Use the Needs Inventory to check in regularly. You can follow the reflection practice below or simply find some quiet space to check in with how you’re doing (while journaling, meditating, or walking) so you can feel and address balance and needs. Frequent short check-ins are best so that you can address your changing needs as they arise and make small adjustments rather than major life overhauls.

Look at Key Needs

Physical Well-Being

Physical well-being is fundamental, a building block of well-being that we sometimes tend to ignore unless/until something is going wrong. Take time to feel the signals from your body, and commit to listening, determining what’s needed, and following through, especially when it comes to:

  • Resting, especially choosing real rest over fake rest like technology and TV

  • Looking at habits like hurry and stress — Is it possible to rest/relax WITHIN what you are doing? Pay attention not just to what you are doing but HOW you’re doing it. Can you move and work with ease rather than internal pressure?

  • Choosing nourishing food

  • Moving a little bit everyday


Connection is another crucial element of wellness: we need each other, and we need to belong. As you seek support and connection, be choosy. Notice how you feel after spending time with someone. Who is supportive? Who inspires you? Who lifts you? 

Soften Your Expectations

Question carefully what you are expecting of yourself in terms of productivity, seeking to be sustainable in the way you use your time. Having realistic expectations reduces needless stress.

Each one of us has a finite amount of time in each day. Know what is essential: your priorities and values. Say no to the non-essential by cultivating boundaries, knowing what to say no to and what to say yes to.

Commit to Living with YOU as a Priority

  • Save time for you — not leaving it until if and when there is free time, but scheduling it in and prioritizing.

  • Know yourself and what relaxes and energizes you (as well as what depletes you!). What must be part of your life in order for you to feel well and whole?

  • Work toward embracing this mindset: “Self-care, rest, play are part of my human needs. Creating space for these needs fuels me and is an integral part of my productivity, not optional. Everyone in my life benefits when I am rested and well.”

Reflection Exercise:

Checking In with Your Needs

Sit in a comfortable spot and have handy the Needs Inventory and a notebook and pen.

Give yourself time, perhaps 20 minutes, to follow the sequence below.

Balance workshop (1).png

Keep Learning

Practice Meditation & Mindfulness

Mindfulness is key to being self-aware and well in your body, mind, and heart. Click over to this page to find resources for practicing mindfulness and meditation — start small and stay with it!

More from Katie

Take a Course: I offer various courses, meditations, and retreats throughout the year — take a look at what’s coming up soon. If you’re looking to hone in on mindfulness and personal growth, Flourish & Bloom Collective is a cozy and supportive online group.

Work One-on-One: If you’d like some support, accountability, and individualization as you implement new ways of being, let’s work together! Choose your focus: mindfulness, self-discovery, connection with the natural world. Email me at hello@katiedutcher.com or check out my coaching page.

Invite me to speak to your group or team: I’m passionate about this work! I enjoy customizing this valuable content for the needs of various groups, whether through experiential workshops or courses. Email me at hello@katiedutcher.com or check out my speaking page.