Basic Meditations

2-minute meditation: Letting-Go Breath - Longer, slower breathing helps activate the parasympathetic nervous system to calm and ground you.


Joy & Wellbeing

9-minute meditation inspired by Dr. Rick Hanson: remember, amplify, and absorb a recent positive experience. (Dr. Hanson speaks on Taking in the Good)

Pleasant Events Calendar and Needs Inventory: Bring awareness to positive parts of life by writing daily about a pleasant event.



Self-Compassion Meditation: “As I View Another:”


Stress & Anxiety

Self-regulation tools

Slow breathing

Grounding meditation

Slow calming movement

Senses: Notice and name what you can see, hear, touch, smell and taste

Hand on heart: Place your hand on your heart and feel the rise and fall of the breath, see if you can feel your heartbeat

Affirmations: Repeat soothing words like I will be ok, this will pass…invent your own phrases that help to calm you


  • Slowly pet one palm with the other, then the other hand. Do the same with the backs of the hands. Repeat. 

  • Cross your arms and bring your hands to your shoulders; stroke both upper arms. Repeat.